As we come to the end of 2019 – Dec 2019

As the festive season gets into full swing, we would take this opportunity to ask all our residents to please take special note of security precautions. This time of year brings many much-needed visitors to our town, but it also brings many unwanted “undesirables”. With the many holidaymakers enjoying our fantastic Garden Route area, their guard is invariably down while they settle into that well-earned relax mode.

With the doubled-up population and relaxed mindset, it’s no wonder that criminal opportunists also see this time of year as easy pickings. Pickpockets travel the region pilfering from unsuspecting shoppers in our town (especially in supermarkets), ATM fraud gangs increase their presence and activity, theft out of motor vehicles (already too high in normal times) goes through the roof, and general property crime gets its fair share of attention.

So we would like to ask all residents to PLEASE keep your guard up and remain aware of your surroundings, whether at home, or in town shopping, or generally out and about enjoying yourself.
Whether you own a B&B / Guesthouse or have friends/family visiting, please pass this message on as well. It is such a sad thing when a holidaymaker falls victim to crime in our area.

As a checklist, here are a few tips to keep in mind;

  • Do not leave your bag or wallet or phone unattended in your shopping basket at the supermarket – as security footage shows us time and time again, it is so easy for someone to distract you while an accomplice pilfers in your handbag or carry-all. Keep these items on your person at all times (preferably tight against your body)
  • Be aware of the space around you when loading your goods into your car – this is another easy time to distract you while an accomplice takes advantage.
  • NEVER accept help from anyone you don’t know at an ATM – they are NOT really trying to help you!!! If you are approached by any stranger at an ATM, scream/shout/call for security – don’t be shy, better safe than sorry. And report any such activity to the manager of the shop/fuel station etc – they are generally in close touch with our security agencies.
  • If walking in the streets, be aware of any person (or a group of people) brushing up against you or crowding you – this is a common tactic used in pickpocketing. Again, scream/shout/call for help if anyone does this to you.
  • If frequenting pubs and/or clubs, this is especially easy ground – your guard is invariably down more and more as your stay goes on. Keep personal effects well guarded. And PLEASE don’t drink and drive – call a friend or a taxi if you have had a few! We want you around in 2020!
  • Do NOT leave any items visible in your car, whether parked in town, on the side of the road, or even at home. Perps don’t know what’s inside that empty tog bag on your back seat – they will smash your window and grab it in a flash! You would be amazed at how many people leave jackets/bags / other valuables in their car, in full sight, even when parked in town. And many times the car is not even locked! This is just asking to be taken advantage of. Please be extra careful on this one and also warn all guests/visitors.
  • Night time theft out of motor vehicles in the residential area is a growing problem – please make sure you (and your guests) don’t leave anything in your car at night.
  • ALARMS – check now that your alarm is in working order, especially after our recent load shedding. Communicate with your security company – they will gladly assist you with this.
  • And don’t forget to set your alarm at night or if you leave the premises, even if it’s just to nip down to the shop.
  • Be on the lookout for any people lurking around your house or your general neighbourhood. Take a bit of time to study them and see what they are watching or maybe surveying. If you suspect any danger, call your security company. Put a message on our OWLS groups so that other neighbours are informed – also, Allsound does monitor these groups but don’t rely on that as they may be busy right then on another matter.
  • Whether it’s around your house or in town, if you suspect anyone for possible wrongdoing, please try to make note of relevant information like height/weight/hair colour/clothes they are wearing hat or cap/shoes or takkies/carrying anything. Note as much detail as you can – comprehensive information really helps our joint crime-fighting teams when they have to go in search of suspects. And of course, if you post on our OWLS groups for your neighbours to be informed, this information is also very valuable.

All in all people, from your OWLS committee, we wish you a merry Christmas and a festive New Year – most of all, a SAFE holiday season.