This membership form is dynamic and will update to show different fields, depending on your response. Please choose from the following options* New member joining Existing member - Paying subscription Existing member - Updating details Great! We are always very pleased to welcome new members!Thank you! We appreciate you renewing your membership.Thank you for helping us maintain our membership database. ERF number*This can be found on your municipal bill, under "ERF PLOT AH" at the top.Owner or Tenant?* Owner Tenant Street Address* Street Address in Knysna Heights / Paradise / Westhill / Heuwelkruin Member DetailsMember Name* First Name Surname Member Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Member Home PhoneMember Mobile Phone*If you do not have a mobile phone number, please provide your home number againSecond Resident DetailsSecond Resident Relationship*-- Select --NoneSpousePartnerParentAdult childTenantOther (specify below)Second Resident Other Relationship*Second Resident Name* First Name Surname Second Resident Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email If not applicable, please put N/ASecond Resident Mobile Phone*If not applicable, please put N/ADo you wish to add a third resident?* Yes No Third Resident Relationship*-- Please Select --SpousePartnerParentAdult childTenantOther (specify below)Third Resident Other Relationship*Third Resident Name* First Name Surname If not applicable, please put N/AThird Resident Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email If not applicable, please put N/AThird Resident Mobile Phone*If not applicable, please put N/ASecurity DetailsSecurity Company*If not applicable, please put N/AAlarm Fitted* Yes No CCTV Fitted* Yes No Please tell us a little bit about your CCTV systemMake, internet connected, WiFi, etc.Would you be prepared to share or connect your CCTV in future? Yes No Maybe - would discuss in future Note - We do not have a plan for this at the moment but if it were possible to hook into the Allsound system, or if your property might have captured details of an incident, would you be prepared to share the recording?General CommentsWe welcome any feedback, and all messages are read by the OWLS committeeMembership Period 2023/24 The 2023/24 membership fee is R400 for the year. Our financial year runs from 1 November to 31 October. Please consider adding an additional voluntary donation towards growing and maintaining our OWLS neighbourhood CCTV network? We appreciate anything you are able to contribute. Additional Contribution to our CCTV Network (Voluntary)If you wish to make an additional voluntary contribution toward our CCTV network, it would be greatly appreciated and benefits the whole neighbourhood!Total DueYour total amount, including the annual contribution plus any voluntary additional donation (total is calculated automatically)Banking DetailsAccount Name: Paradise Heights Community Association Bank: Standard Bank Branch: Knysna – 050314 Account No: 086055224 PLEASE USE YOUR SURNAME AND STREET ADDRESS AS YOUR PAYMENT REFERENCE PLEASE SEND PROOF OF PAYMENT TO: OWLS@OWLSKNYSNA.CO.ZA EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ